Paradigm Journal of the Textbook Colloquium Where any, and every, aspect of textbooks is, or are, investigated |
The Colloquium's journal PARADIGM appeared twice a year and carries articles, notes, and reviews. Volume 1 closed in 1999 with nearly 30 numbers; volume 2 began in 2000 and is now complete with eight issues. Volume 3 will open in the first half of 2005 and closed with Number 3 in 2007. Volume 3, Number 3 marks, sadly, the final issue of PARADIGM.
Textbooks, Schools and Society
Ian Michael
John Rodden and Cristen Reat, Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace: Comparative treatments in Soviet and post-Soviet textbooks
Frances Austin-Jones, A thousand years of model letter-writers
Chris Stray, Review: K. Willoughby (ed.), Slates Up! Schools and Schooling in the Nineteenth Century
Sid Brown, Text messages from America's black past
Alana Taylor, The limited influence of language acquisition theory on New Testament Greek textbooks: A brief survey
David Yeomans, Engineering design books in the inter-war years
Paradigm, Vol. 3 (1), July 2005
Willie Henderson, Economics as story telling (pdf file)
Arlene Barry, Ellen Cyr (pdf file)
Jason Nicholls, The philosophical underpinnings of school textbook research (pdf file)
Frances Austin-Jones, Review of Mary Stopes-Roe (ed.) Mathematics with love: The courtship correspondence of Barnes Wallis, inventor of the bouncing bomb
Charles Monaghan, Review of Jean Ferguson et al., Archives of instruction: Nineteenth-century rhetorics, readers and composition books in the United States
John Issitt, Editorial
Ian Michael, To the Editor
Anita Auer, The treatment of the subjunctive in eighteenth-century grammars of English (rtf file)
Norman Graves, John Miller Dow Meiklejohn: Educationist and prolific textbook author (rtf file)
Stephen Heathorn and James Byrne History, memory and the representation of Britain's experience of strategic bombing in survey textbooks (rtf file)
John Roden, Of classrooms, walls, and textbooks: Ideology in GDR geography textbooks (rtf file)
Chris Stray Review of Alexis Weedon, Victorian Publishing: The Economies of Book Publishing for a Mass Market, 1836-1914
Essays for Ian Michael on his 88th birthday
Edited by Frances Ausin and Christopher Stray
Frances Austin and Christopher Stray Preface
Manfred Gorlach A new text type: exercises in bad English
Jennifer Monaghan Literacy instruction and the town school in seventeenth-century New England
Lynda Mugglestone Sheridan in the schoolroom
Charles Monaghan Lyman Cobb and the British elocutionary tradition
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade 'Tom's Grammar'? The genesis of Lowth's Short Introduction to English Grammar revisited
Nigel Hall The role of the slate in Lancasterian schools as evidenced by their manuals and handbooks
Frances Austin Whatever happened to Lindley Murray? A study of some of the grammar textbooks used in the early teacher-training colleges
Bernard Jones William Barnes's manuals of instruction
Natalie Hole Nineteenth-century method manuals with special reference to English literature
Nancy P. O'Brien A comparison of the development, organization, management and preservation of old school book collections in New Zealand and the United States (rtf file)
Christopher Stray Sexy ghosts and gay grammarians: Kennedy's Latin primer in Britten's Turn of the Screw (rtf file)
Sidney Brown 'Coming apart': Americans recall their school history texts since the 1960s
Norman Graves A textbook in advance of its time: Geography for Youth Adapted to Different Classes of Learners (rtf file)
Miha Kovav and Mojca Kovac Sebart Textbooks at war: A few notes on textbook publishing in former Yugoslavia and other communist countries (rtf file)
David Lambert Review of Norman Graves School Textbook Research: The Case of Geography 1800-2000 (rtf file)
Announcement: CBHS and TC joint meeting
David Hamilton From dialectic to didactic (rtf file)
Denise Santos Learning English as a foreign language in Brazilian elementary schools: Textbooks and their lessons about the world and about learning (rtf file)
Alexis Weedon, A reader in the 1870s and 1880s: Molly Hughes' recollections of her childhood books (rtf file)
W. E. Marsden, The School Textbook: Geography, History and Social Studies. Reviewed by Christopher Stray
A station favourable to the pursuits of science: primary materials in the history of mathematics collection at the United States Military Academy (History of Mathematics, volume 18). Reviewed by Christopher Stray
John Issitt, Editorial
William H. Brock, The lamp of learning: Richard Taylor and the textbook
Geoffrey Cantor, Quaker science texts
Alisnon Kennedy, John Leitch, John Kenrick, history and myth: The textbook as a signpost of intellectual change
David Knight, High church science: William Swainson and William Kirby
Peter Isaac, History of the book trade in the North
Peter Isaac, British Book Trade: Development and progress
John Issitt, Anders Lundgren & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent (eds), Communicating Chemistry: Textbooks and their Audiences, 1789-1939 Sue Walker, Marilyn J. Chambliss & Robert C. Calfee, Textbooks for Learning: Nurturing Children's MindsObituary: Mitzi Myers
Ann Low-Beer, Politics, school textbooks and cultural identity: The struggle in Bosnia and Hercegovina
Fiona A. Black, 'Horrid republican notions' and other matters: School book availability in Georgian Canada
John Breakell, An analysis of mathematics textbooks and reference books in use in primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in the 1960s
Colin McGeorge, James Pope's textbooks for New Zealand native schools
Reports and abstracts received from recent colloquia
Yvonne Sinclair, The representation of slavery in British textbooks Nigel Hall, The teaching of punctuation: a view from the textbookBernard Jones, Book Review: Ezra Greenspan and Jonathan Rose (eds), Book History ,Volume 3,
John Issitt, The natural history of a textbook: the publishing records of Goldsmith's Grammar of Geography
Natalie Hole, Textbook and curriculum control: materials and methods for teaching English literature under the Revised Code
Tony Fairman, 'Sureny she youst to arn a goudeal': learning to write in the early 19th century
Chris Stray, Obituary: John Fauvel 1947-2001
Recent Colloquium meetings
Ian Holdsworth Teaching making: A brief history of secondary school craft education textbooks
Sidney Brown, The textbook furore in the 1920s: The Irish-American angle
Norman Graves The 'Emmanuelle' research programme on school textbooks
Caroline Archer Typographic design for children
Rosemary Sassoon Handwriting copybooks as a multi-disciplinary resource
Bernard Austin, Review of Manfred Görlach An Annotated Bibliography of Nineteenth-Century Grammars
Margaret Issitt, Review of Rosemary Sasson Handwriting of the Twentieth-Century
Ian Michael Review of Margaret Rees Teachers and Teaching 1800&endash;1860
Michael Lieven Bias in school history textbooks: Representations of the British invasion of Zululand
Ryoji Tsurumi Between hymnbook and textbook: Elizabeth Hill's anthologies of devotional and moral verse for late charity schools
John Wilkes Paradigm: An editor speaks
Vol. 1 Paradigm, Number 1 (November, 1989) Contributions to Colloquia
John Wilkes Un peu de histoire
John Fauvel British arithmetic texts from 1542
Kristian Jensen Danish Grammars
W. E. Marsden Mrs Walker's merry games for little people: A reflection of Froebel, or Foible?
Margaret Kinnell M. J. Godwin and Co. 1805-25
J. A. Mangan "A diet of racist mythology"
J. E. Vaughan King's Norton Grammar School Library, 1661
Jean Russell-Gebbett 19th-Century biological textbooks for schools
Chris Stray Kennedy's Latin primer: a paradigm
James Mosley Printing from plates
Ian Michael Aspects of texbook research
Kristian Jensen Melanchthon's Latin grammar in Denmark and Norway
David Hamilton What is a textbook?
Keith Hoskin The textbook: Further moves towards a definition
Ian Michael Home or school?
Chris Stray A cellarful of ghosts? The Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum, 1857-83
Chris Stray The Comic Latin Grammar: A New and Facetious Introduction to the Latin Tongue (London: Charles Tilt, 1840)
John Wilkes Review of Volker R. Berghahn and Hanna Schissler (eds), Perceptions of History: International Textbook Research on Britain, Germany and the United States
John Fauvel John Wilkins'Mathematical magic considered as a textbook
Ian Michael A speculative book-list
Greg Myers Fictional forms and science textbooks
Chris Stray The King his Grammar? King Edward the VIth's Latin Grammar [1841]
Michael Twyman Textbook design: chronological tables and the use of typographic cueing
Peter Uzzell Science through nineteenth-century textbooks
Fiona Dodwell and Elizabeth Hunter The Jill Grey Collection and its future
Norman Graves Geography in French public secondary schools (1800-1870) as evidenced by the content of a sample of text-books
Ian Michael The Nineteenth-century Short Title Catalogue
Greg Myers The beginnings of a list of scientific (and other) texts using fictional forms
Ian Michael Textbooks reviewed
Jean Garriock L. T. Meade's use of her journalistic work in the writing of her school stories [Abstract]
Sachiko Kusukawa Melanchthon's science textbooks [Abstract]
John Hersey Review of Peter Wallis, Ruth Wallis, Peter Ransom, and John Fauvel Mathematical Tradition in the North of England
Chris Stray Review of David Hamilton Curriculum History
Kathryn Castle Race and history: Racial images in British history textbooks 1890-1914 [Abstract]
David Cram Birds, beasts and fishes versus bats, mongrels and hybrids: The publication history of John Ray's Dictionariolum (1675)
Jennifer Monaghan The textbook as a commercial enterprise: The involvement of Noah Webster and William Holmes McGuffey in the promotion of their reading textbooks
Greg Myers Textbooks and the sociology of scientific knowledge
Iain Stevenson Review of Philip G. Altbach and Gail P. Kelly (eds) Textbooks in the Third World: Policy, Content and Context
Chris Stray Review of A. Woodward, D. L. Elliott, and C. Nagel Textbooks in School and Society: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Research
David McKitterick Textbook printing at Cambridge
Ian Michael British School Anthologies
Gilbert Millat Britain and European integration as portrayed in British history schoolbooks published between 1961 and 1971
Ian Westbury Review of Michael W. Apple & Linda K. Christian-Smith (eds.) The Politics of the Textbook
George Rutter, John F. W. Herschel 1792--1871
David Knight Chemistry 1789-1837: A textbook science?
Elizabeth Foster, The Leeds Museum of the History of Education
William B. Thompson The Thompson Collection: a brief description
Edwina Burness School-text compiler and lexicographer: The cases of Elisha Coles and Guy Miége
Jean Russell-Gebbett Contributions of the late Professor Emanuel D. Rudolph (1927-1992) towards an understanding of developments in natural history teaching in nineteenth century America as revealed by textbooks of the day
Chris Stray Review: Third Annual History of Education Museums and Collections International Directory 1991
Elizabeth Foster Education and Society through the Collection of the Museum of the History of Education, the University of Leeds
John Parker Review of G. Kress and T. van Leeuwen,Reading Images
Chris StrayReview ofDirectory of Historical Curriculum Collections
J. P. Marmion, Cornelia Connelly and school textbooks
Ian Michael The Textbook as a commodity: Walkingame's TheTutor's Assistant
Jennie Brookman, The deep background of book history
Norman Graves, Review: Les manuels scolaires: histoire et actualité by Alain Choppin.
Pauline Heath, Review: Revolutionary Reviewing: Sarah Trimmer's Guardian of Education: An Index by Andres Immel.
Valerie Holman Can art books be textbooks?
Peter Mack, Addison's essays as models for composition in school anthologies and textbooks of the eighteenth and nineteenth Centuries
Frances Austin 'Lo, It is my Ox!': a further note
Konrad Macht Practical skills or mental training? The historical dilemma of foreign language methodology in nineteenth and twentieth century Germany
F. G. Rodriguez de Castro The Manes project
H. D. Jocelyn, Review of Jan Nordegraaf and Frank Vonk (eds), Five Hundred Years of Foreign Language Teaching in the Netherlands 1450-1950
Norman Graves Review of Manuels scolaires, Etats et sociétés: XlXe. -- XXe. siècles
Chris Stray, Review of E. B. Johnsen,Textbooks in the kaleidoscope: Acritical survey of literature and research on educational texts.
P. W. Musgrave Readers in Victoria, 1896-1968, I: The School Paper and Children's World
John Pickering The Hypertextbook
Nick Lee Textbooks at the University of Bristol Library
Nancy Patricia O'Brien Textbooks at the Center for Research Libraries: Repository of United States Education History
Charles Aston The John A. Nietz old textbook collection
Chris Stray Review of Hugh Price, School Textbooks Published in New Zealand to 1960
Colin McGeorge A colonial collection
Martin Skinner Psychology textbooks: Creating the subject
John Denniss The presentation of multiplication 'tables' in textbooks
W. E. Marsden Review of Rev. D. Morris Geography of the County of Norfolk
John Walmsley Work in progress: Ratke's Textbooks
Charles Jones Sources for Scots pronunciation in the eighteenth century
Werner Hüllen The path through an undergrowth: A Royal Compleat Grammar, English and High-German (1715) by John King alias Hans König
Linda Adler-Kassner Reading history: Textbooks and public literacy inthe United States progressive era, 1898-1913
Mary Hilton Report of conference 'Scrapbooks and chapbooks: Reading, writing and childhood 1700-1850', Homerton College, Cambridge, 1995.
Richard Robinson Historical school textbooks: Their preservation and protection
John Wilkes Review of Joan Delfattore What Johnny Shouldn't Read: Textbook Censorship in America
John Issitt Review of Colin Finney Paradise Revealed: Natural History in Nineteenth-century Australia (Melbourne: Museum of Victoria)
Charles Monaghan Lindley Murray and the enlightenment
Norman Graves The intellectual origins of late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century British geography textbooks
Esther Quantrill Nineteenth-century lessons for twentieth-century anthologists of the eighteenth century
Chris Stray John Taylor and Locke's Classical System
David Lambert The choice of textbooks for use in secondary school geography departments: Some answers and some further questions for research
David Wright A curriculum palimpsest: Continuity and change in UK geography textbooks, 1820-1870
Norman Graves Networks of authors and the nature of geography textbooks 1875-1925
Pat Pinsent Race and Ideology in Textbooks
David Blamires How and what Victorian and Edwardian children learnt about German history
John Walmsley The Library of the Council School (Ratsschulbibliothek) in Zwickau, Saxony
Nicholas Goddard 'Not a reading class': The development of the Victorian agricultural textbook
Anne Becher Phaedrus, a new found yet ancient author: The rise and fallof Phaedrus as a standard school author, 1668-1828
Norman Graves Review of Manuels Scolaires: bulletin d'Information
Norman Graves, Review of Rapport Scientifique 1992-1996,
John Hopkin The worldview of geography textbooks for the National Curriculum (Work in progress)
Bill Marsden Book of nature and the stuff of epitaphs: religion, romanticism and some historical connections in environmental education
John A. Marmion Another voice: the history of England for Catholic children of 1850
John Hersee Multiplication is vexation
Patrick Brindle History teaching and all that: The elementary school experience in the inter-war years
Michael Lieven Contested empire: Bertram Mitford and the imperial adventure story
Bill Palmer The World Wide Web and chemistry textbooks online
Ian Michael Textbooks as history: The work of the Colloquium
John Hedley Brooke Textbooks and the history of science
Ian Michael Comment on John Brooke's paper
John Issitt A tale of two encyclopaedias: transitions in the presentation of scientific knowledge
Michael Honeybone The communication of science by popular books, 1700-1760
Clive Sutton Book-borne ghosts who talk in us: John Tyndall's ways of talking and their residue today
Eugenia Roldan Vera Exporting textbooks: The Latin American enterprise of Rudolph Ackermann
Peter Musgrave Readers in Victoria, 1851-1895
J. P. Marmion The Penny Catechism: A long lasting text
John Issitt, Introducing Sir Richard Phillips
Sir Richard Phillips Illustrations of the Interrogative system
Aileen Fyfe, Review:Textbooks and Educational Media: Collected Papers 1991-1995,
Aileen Fyfe How the squirrel became a squgg: The long history of a children's book (incomplete)
Danny Beckers Come Children! Some changes in Dutch arithmetic textbooks, 1750-1850
J. R. C. Yglesias Has the textbook had its day?
T. Rix, Comment on Roy Yglesias's paper 'Has the textbook had its day?'
John Fauvel The Turner Collection, Keele, 1968-1998: A study in university management of historical textbook resources
Links to other sites of interest to those doing research on textsbooks
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